Pencil Drawing Of Women Biography
Technology brings more and more talented artists to the surface, who create astonishing digitally manipulated images on every possible theme, illustrating everything that you could possibly imagine. But, we still have the “classics”, for whom the pencil and paper are the genuine and compulsory materials in creating works of art. And this is what we are going to present to you today.
50 outstanding portraits of women created by the technique of traditional drawing, without any digital manipulation. Some of them can easily trick the eye into believing that they are real photos of real people, that’s how beautiful and expressive they are. True masterpieces.
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April, 15th, 1452, near Florence in a family of the rich notary. It has developed as the master, being trained at Andrea del Verrokko in 1467-1472. Job methods in the Florentine workshop of that time where work of the artist has been closely interfaced to technical experiments, and also acquaintance to astronomer Paolo del Pocco Toskanelli promoted origin of scientific interests of young Leonardo. In early products (a head of an angel in "Christening" Verrokko, after 1470, "Lady day", nearby 1474, both in Uffici, "Madonna Benua", nearby 1478, the Hermitage) enriches traditions of painting quattrocento, underlining smooth dimensions of forms a soft treatment of light and shade, recovering persons a thin, almost inaudible smile.
Leonardo da Vinci. Madonna Litta. About 1490. Distemper, a tree. The Hermitage, Petersburg.
In «Worship of magicians» (1481-82, it is not finished; the underpainting - in Uffici) transforms a religious image into a mirror of various human emotions, developing innovative methods of drawing. Fixing results of uncountable supervision in sketches, sketches and natural studies (the Italian pencil, a silver pencil, sanguine, a feather and other technicians), Leonardo achieves a rare sharpness in a facial expression program (resorting at times to grotesque and a caricature), and and movements of a human body results a structure in ideal conformity with composition dramatic art.
On service at the governor of Milan Lodoviko Moro (with 1481) Leonardo acted in a role of the military engineer, hydraulic engineering, the organizer of court festivals. Over 10 years it worked over monument Francesco Sforza, father Lodoviko Moro; the clay model of a monument executed to plastic hallows full-scale has not remained (is destroyed at a capture of Milan by Frenchmen in 1500) and is known only on preparatory sketches.
Leonardo da Vinci. Madonna Benua. About 1478. Butter, a tree. The Hermitage, Petersburg.
For this period it is necessary Leonardo-painter's creative blossoming. In «to the Madonna in rocks» (1483-94, the Louvre; the second variant - 1487-1511, National gallery, London) favourite the master the most thin treatment of light and shade («sfumato») appears as a new aura which goes on change to medieval nimbuses: it in an equal measure both is divine-human, and natural sacrament where the rocky grotto, reflecting Leonardo geological supervision, plays not a smaller drama role, than figures sacred in the foreground.

Pencil Drawing Of Women Biography
Technology brings more and more talented artists to the surface, who create astonishing digitally manipulated images on every possible theme, illustrating everything that you could possibly imagine. But, we still have the “classics”, for whom the pencil and paper are the genuine and compulsory materials in creating works of art. And this is what we are going to present to you today.
50 outstanding portraits of women created by the technique of traditional drawing, without any digital manipulation. Some of them can easily trick the eye into believing that they are real photos of real people, that’s how beautiful and expressive they are. True masterpieces.
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April, 15th, 1452, near Florence in a family of the rich notary. It has developed as the master, being trained at Andrea del Verrokko in 1467-1472. Job methods in the Florentine workshop of that time where work of the artist has been closely interfaced to technical experiments, and also acquaintance to astronomer Paolo del Pocco Toskanelli promoted origin of scientific interests of young Leonardo. In early products (a head of an angel in "Christening" Verrokko, after 1470, "Lady day", nearby 1474, both in Uffici, "Madonna Benua", nearby 1478, the Hermitage) enriches traditions of painting quattrocento, underlining smooth dimensions of forms a soft treatment of light and shade, recovering persons a thin, almost inaudible smile.
Leonardo da Vinci. Madonna Litta. About 1490. Distemper, a tree. The Hermitage, Petersburg.
In «Worship of magicians» (1481-82, it is not finished; the underpainting - in Uffici) transforms a religious image into a mirror of various human emotions, developing innovative methods of drawing. Fixing results of uncountable supervision in sketches, sketches and natural studies (the Italian pencil, a silver pencil, sanguine, a feather and other technicians), Leonardo achieves a rare sharpness in a facial expression program (resorting at times to grotesque and a caricature), and and movements of a human body results a structure in ideal conformity with composition dramatic art.
On service at the governor of Milan Lodoviko Moro (with 1481) Leonardo acted in a role of the military engineer, hydraulic engineering, the organizer of court festivals. Over 10 years it worked over monument Francesco Sforza, father Lodoviko Moro; the clay model of a monument executed to plastic hallows full-scale has not remained (is destroyed at a capture of Milan by Frenchmen in 1500) and is known only on preparatory sketches.
Leonardo da Vinci. Madonna Benua. About 1478. Butter, a tree. The Hermitage, Petersburg.
For this period it is necessary Leonardo-painter's creative blossoming. In «to the Madonna in rocks» (1483-94, the Louvre; the second variant - 1487-1511, National gallery, London) favourite the master the most thin treatment of light and shade («sfumato») appears as a new aura which goes on change to medieval nimbuses: it in an equal measure both is divine-human, and natural sacrament where the rocky grotto, reflecting Leonardo geological supervision, plays not a smaller drama role, than figures sacred in the foreground.
Pencil Drawing Of Women
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